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Statistics show Cuba is the safest country in the Americas

HAVANA, Jul 22 (PL) Cuba is the safest country in the region of the Americas, released on Tuesday the press based on a statistical report of crime and security rates by nations.

According to the Numbeo website, a global database of perceived crime rates, quality of healthcare and other issues, the island has the lowest crime rate in the area, with 29.02 so far in 2020.

It also notes that the security index is 70.98, for which elements such as the level of crime, security when walking on the streets, both day and night, and robberies have been taken into account, among other indicators.

Cuba appears ahead of first world countries such as Canada (2nd in the area) and the United States (5th).

At the world level, the country is located in 28th place, being one of the few states on the continent that manages to be above the global average in terms of security.

In general, the safest region is Europe, while South America is shown to be the one with the highest risks for travellers and residents.