¡ Populista! review: Chá vez, Castro and Latin America’s ‘pink wave’ leaders
BBC reporter Will Grant offers produced an excellent look at the group of strongmen who came from left field
If there was ever the surreal start to a trip to Cuba, it was the one that coincided with the information Fidel Castro had died. Which was what I woke up to on 26 November 2016 , hours before my husband and I had been due to fly to Havana. Per day later, we found ourselves about what seemed like an endless queue under a blasting autumn sun, waiting to get into Castro’ s memorial at the Jose Martí monument in the Plaza sobre la Revolució n.
Related: Sisters within Hate review: tough but essential read on the rise of hurtful America
The US appears in every chapter and comes out of not one looking good
¡ Populista! is released in the US by Head of Zeus. Carrie Gibson’ s latest guide is Este Norte: The Epic and Overlooked Story of Hispanic America
2021-01-09 05:00 The Guardian
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