Entries Published On January, 2021
US sanctions Cuban ministry for alleged human rights abuses
During his presidency, Donald Trump took a tough stance on Cuba, tightening restrictions on US travel and remittances.
With 40 patients in intensive care, Cuba surpasses 17,000 coronavirus infections
Two deaths, an increase in infections, more confirmed active cases, a growth in hospitalized patients and a record number in intensive care is the balance that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has left in Cuba this Thursday, according to this Friday’s report by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) broadcasts this Friday. The ICUs, although “not over …
A new diagnostic kit and more vaccine projects, contributions of Cuban science against COVID-19
A diagnostic kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and new vaccine candidates more resistant to possible mutations of the coronavirus, are among the most recent contributions and results of Cuban science in the face of the pandemic, the official media reported. In addition, a third prototype of a Cuban lung ventilator was also presented, “an …
Cuba rejects new U.S. sanction, now from the Department of Commerce
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla rejected the measure announced yesterday by the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce, which imposed “new controls on any American technology and specific activities of U.S. persons” that may be linked to “foreign military-intelligence.” On his Twitter account, the Cuban foreign minister rejected the …
Task for Biden: To take Cuba off the list
Unfortunately, the attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters, encouraged by the chief inciter, will not be the latest nonsense from an administration the United States is desperate to end. Trump insists on causing as much damage as possible to America’s interests and values. He not only sabotages an orderly transition but insists on torpedoing …
Rebrote epidémico en Cuba, entre restricciones y reordenamiento
En redes sociales, foros y en cualquier parada de ómnibus o centro de trabajo el alza de la covid-19 y las medidas son tema constante de conversación. La entrada Rebrote epidémico en Cuba, entre restricciones y reordenamiento se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.