Coronavirus exceeds 20,000 cases in Cuba after today’s 530 reported infections

The Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) reported this Friday the rising diagnosis of 530 new infections from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, data with which the total number of patients reaches 20,060 positive cases since the pandemic reached the island last March. The number of active cases has grown to 4,526 and the number of hospitalizations …

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Cuba: non-state forms of management sign 42 export contracts

Cooperatives, private business owners, and Cuban farmers have signed 42 contracts to date to export national products to the international market, the island’s state media reported. The figure represents just over 5% of the 863 foreign trade contracts signed between non-state forms of management and specialized entities in that sector in Cuba. #Cuba?? ministro @R_Malmierca …

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Post-Covid, We Should Take a Leaf Out of Cuba’s Book and Abolish Professional Sports

2020 saw multiple professional sports leagues struggle as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In March, the NHL paused its 2019-2020 regular season while Major League Baseball cancelled spring training games. In June, the NBA then temporarily suspended its 2019-2020 season in order to “safeguard the health and well-being of NBA fans, players, team and …

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