Entries Published On February, 2021
Enrique López Oliva, apuntes para entender a un profeta
Mínimo homenaje a un destacado periodista y profesor universitario cubano. La entrada Enrique López Oliva, apuntes para entender a un profeta se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.
The american soldier who walked through Havana
It should not be forgotten that the capital of Cuba was always a crossroads. Can we forget that they called it the City of the Fleet, the Antemural de Indias, the Key to the New World, Margarita de los Mares? Everyone has passed through here. Did you tell me that Albert Einstein too? Well, he, …
Cuba reports 653 new cases of coronavirus, two deaths and 855 discharges
New infections due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus fell to 653, according to this Monday’s Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) report, which also notified of two deaths and 855 discharges. Of the total diagnoses on Monday, 653 were contacts of confirmed cases, while the contagion in 639 individuals was due to autochthonous transmission. Havana continues to …
Cuba’s COVID-19 Vaccines Serve the People, Not Profits
Photograph Source: NatalieMaynor – CC BY 2.0 Cuba’s socialist approach to developing vaccines against COVID-19 differs strikingly from that of capitalist nations of the world. Cuba’s production of four vaccines is grounded in science and dedicated to saving the lives of all Cubans, and to international solidarity. The New York Times’s running report on the …
Infografía: Viviendo con VIH/sida en Cuba (Parte 2)
Últimos datos públicos de 2020 La entrada Infografía: Viviendo con VIH/sida en Cuba (Parte 2) se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.
Aumentan prácticas sexuales de riesgo en personas que viven con VIH en Cuba
Según una encuesta nacional son las personas seropositivas más jóvenes quienes menos se protegen. La entrada Aumentan prácticas sexuales de riesgo en personas que viven con VIH en Cuba se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.