Entries Published On April, 2021
CubaDebate, 2 diciembre 2020 “El Congreso de la continuidad histórica de la Revolución Cubana” Articulo Original: Convocatoria Después de hacerse pública la decisión de efectuar el VIII Congreso del Partido en abril de 2021, un evento extraordinario marcó de forma crucial la vida de la nación. La pandemia de la COVID-19 puso a prueba la …
Another record of deaths from coronavirus in Cuba: nine deaths this Monday
The fatality rate on the island is 0.54% and the death toll now stands at 476. Of these, 51 have been reported in April, a month that in terms of infections exceeded the records in 2020, not like this year, when since January all records have been broken. La entrada Another record of deaths from …
Two years missing: Cuban doctors kidnapped in Kenya
Cuban doctors Landy Rodríguez Hernández and Assel Herrera Correa were kidnapped in the city of Mandera (northeast Kenya), on the border with Somalia, the target of jihadist attacks in the past. La entrada Two years missing: Cuban doctors kidnapped in Kenya se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Varadero to host 2022 World Cocktail Championship
With 24 votes in favor, Cuba surpassed the Italian and Russian candidacies and became the first country to host the prestigious cocktail-mixing event in America. La entrada Varadero to host 2022 World Cocktail Championship se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Cuban Voices: Wilder Pérez Varona
The new Constitution, the result of an unprecedented popular deliberation, can and must be a political horizon for the change of time we are living, for the creation of a new civic spirit, for the realization of a more properly national sovereignty, because it is inclusive. La entrada Cuban Voices: Wilder Pérez Varona se publicó …
Win a trip to Cuba with Cuba Tourist Board’s new photo contest
TORONTO — With Travel Agent Day fast approaching on May 5, the Cuba Tourist Board has launched a new photo contest that will award one lucky …
¿Qué espera el activismo LGBTI+ del nuevo código de familias?
Mientras se acerca la fecha en que Cuba renueve su código de familia, activistas y ciudadanía dejan sus expectativas y demandas en el espacio virtual. La entrada ¿Qué espera el activismo LGBTI+ del nuevo código de familias? se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.
Mario Balmaseda: Adicto a los aplausos
El Premio Nacional de Cine 2021 fue entregado al actor Mario Balmaseda en una pequeña ceremonia que tuvo como escenario la casa del galardonado. La entrada Mario Balmaseda: Adicto a los aplausos se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.