Entries Published On May, 2021
Récord amargo en Cuba
Indicadores preliminares anticipan que la zafra podría quedar este año por debajo de un millón de toneladas de azúcar. AzCuba lamenta el bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos, entre los obstáculos. La entrada Récord amargo en Cuba se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.
Cuba Starts Using Its Covid Vaccines Before Completing Trials
Like Russia, China and India, Cuba is using a vaccine that is still undergoing clinical trials as an emergency step to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Why doesn’t Biden want anything to do with Cuba … for now?
Biden is in no hurry to repair relations with the island, in fact, he possibly doesn’t even intend to. La entrada Why doesn’t Biden want anything to do with Cuba … for now? se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Cuba: Council of Ministers updates regulations on private work in Varadero
The new provision recalls that in the famous Cuban beach resort only “essential non-state forms of management” operate, which are “compatible with tourism” or “respond to the needs of the local population.” La entrada Cuba: Council of Ministers updates regulations on private work in Varadero se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Two gold and one silver medals for Cuban weightlifter Arley Calderón in Colombia event
In snatch he lifted 111 and 115 kg, but then he failed with 120 kg. He dominated the clean and jerk with 149 kg, after valid moves with 141 and 147 kg. La entrada Two gold and one silver medals for Cuban weightlifter Arley Calderón in Colombia event se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
With 1,207 cases, Cuba repeats the second highest number of infections due to coronavirus in a day
Until midnight yesterday, there were 135 patients in serious (91) or critical (44) condition, although in general 23,235 were admitted to hospitals or centers created for the care of patients afflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. La entrada With 1,207 cases, Cuba repeats the second highest number of infections due to coronavirus in a day se …
Cuba: political hatred, an approximation
Tolerance, respect for the diversity of criteria, the discussion on public content and that affects the majority, has been atrophied and Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, are the arena that has remained for the Cuban political essay. La entrada Cuba: political hatred, an approximation se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Padura, el deseado regreso a la normalidad
Este próximo 22 de mayo se hará en la ciudad de San Sebastián la presentación de Como polvo en el viento, la más reciente novela del escritor cubano, llegada a librerías españolas a fines de agosto de 2020. La entrada Padura, el deseado regreso a la normalidad se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.
Recibe población habanera mayor protección anticovid-19
Entre mayo y junio alrededor de 778.000 personas de siete municipios de la capital de Cuba se inmunizarán voluntariamente con los candidatos vacunales Abdala y Soberana 02. La entrada Recibe población habanera mayor protección anticovid-19 se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.