Entries Published On June, 2021
Book your trip to Cuba with a good travel agency
Today the touristic offer of both travel packages, tourist experiences or transport options is infinite and although today we have everything in the palm of our hand with internet access, sometimes it is difficult to choose between so many options … and hiring the services of a Cuba travel agency like Espíritu Travel seems the …
U.S. returns to Cuba 59 rafters intercepted in Florida Keys
So far this fiscal year 2021, that is, since October 1, 2020, the Coast Guard has intercepted 465 Cubans at sea, a significant increase in detentions compared to the 49 intercepted in the entire fiscal year 2020. La entrada U.S. returns to Cuba 59 rafters intercepted in Florida Keys se publicó primero en OnCubaNews English.
Siembra de agua, la apuesta de una finca cubana para su sostenibilidad
Varias de las 15 provincias cubanas muestran insuficientes registros de precipitaciones, pese a encontrarse en pleno periodo lluvioso. La entrada Siembra de agua, la apuesta de una finca cubana para su sostenibilidad se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.